Kilmore District Health

Kilmore District Health (KDH) is located in Victoria in the Mitchell Shire and services a population over 35,000 that extends to Broadford and Pyalong in the north, Wallan and Craigieburn in the south, Lancefield and Romsey to the west; and Whittlesea to the east.

Comprehensive acute and aged care services are provided to our rapidly increasing catchment population. In 2021/22 over 2,400 inpatients and  20,000 non-admitted patients were treated, 239 babies born, more than 100 residents accommodated, over 320 staff employed and operating expenditure amounts in excess of $26 million.

KDH operates from one site encompassing four facilities. The main hospital houses the multi-day beds providing acute and subacute inpatient services, a peri operative suite, and the Urgent Care Centre. There are two residential aged care facilities that provide both residential and respite care and an outpatient and specialist consult facility. A District Nursing Service provides home based care 7 days a week to our community.