The College is running a six-month special placement advertisement trial over and above the standard placement/listings finishing on 30 November 2024 for evaluation of ongoing feasibility.
The special placement options on trial are as follows:
Option 1: Featured Jobs – monthly slots only
- One of three featured jobs which are pinned to the
top of the front page of the ACEM Jobs Board as shown below.
- One post on ACEM LinkedIn social media channel.
- Listing in all eDMs Bulletin, Faculty Update and Trainee News.
Fees – monthly slots only *
To arrange special placement adverts please email Toby Cotton at [email protected]
Option 2: Banner placement in Bulletin and Faculty Updates – monthly slots only
- Banner advertisement at the top of the job sections of the Bulletin (four insertions over four weeks) + Faculty Update (one insertion).
- Includes hyperlinked standard listings in the ACEM jobs website which are also included in the Bulletin + Faculty Update eDMs.
Fees – monthly slots only *
To arrange special placement adverts please email Toby Cotton at [email protected]
Option 3: Banner placement in Trainee News eDM only – monthly slots only
- Banner advertisement at the top of the job section of the Trainee News (one insertion).
- Includes hyperlinked standard listings in the ACEM Jobs Board.
Fees – monthly slots only *
To arrange special placement adverts please email Toby Cotton at [email protected]
* Not-for-profit - The organisation to be invoiced is a public hospital, or the organisation to be invoiced (including a private hospital) is registered as a charity with either the Australasian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission or the New Zealand Charities Services.
Terms and Conditions
- All jobs posted on the ACEM Job Board must be related to the practice of emergency medicine and have to be approved for publication by the College.
- Advertising content must adhere to the ACEM Advertising Guidelines.
- Artwork to be displayed on the website or in eDMs must be of professional standard in design and content.
- Artwork must not include any third-party or sponsorship logos that breach College guidelines or conflict with its independence.
- ACEM takes no responsibility for correcting errors or making changes to advertising content. Advertisers can log into their profile at any time and make any amendments that are need.
- ACEM accepts no liability for advertising material.
- All invoices are to be paid according to ACEM’s payment terms.
- A closing date for the job must be provided. If a job is filled before the completion of the one-month advertising period, ACEM can remove the ad but no refund will be provided.